Protect your business from cyber attacks!

We identify security blind spots that internal teams may miss


Are You Being Careful Enough?​​

Let’s Dig Deeper

Our comprehensive security audit provides C-suite decision-makers with an in-depth risk assessment report, uncovering critical security gaps your internal teams may miss.

We leverage our industry expertise and advanced tools to deliver actionable insights, empowering you to make informed decisions and proactively strengthen your security posture. We create a cost efficient security roadmap with a prioritized action plan.

Don’t wait for a breach to interrupt your business. 

Our Values

  • Solutions over roadblocks, security as a business enabler
  • Professional Paranoia over Corporate Complacence
  • Challenge: The status quo but don’t rock the boat
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
  • Build a culture of cybersecurity
  • Establish sustainable processes
  • Follow Industry standard Frameworks
  • Collaborate to Innovate
  • Always be closing tasks
  • Be Courageous, Careful and Have Fun

Sleep well with the peace of mind that your organization is protected from cyber threats.

Popular Solutions



vCISO advisory service to create robust cybersecurity posture and technical guidance to maintain strong cyber hygiene.

Risk Assessment

Conduct Penetration testing and gap analysis to identify security weaknesses before a breach can take place.


Audit Readiness

Prepare your organization to pass security audits such as ISO 27001, SOC2, PCI DSS, & HIPAA.



Sammy is an ideal security partner. He is well-versed in all the security standards and policies. His deep understanding of the intent of each policy and standard gives him the ability to recommend security actions that are appropriate for each company and product whether small or large, simple or complex. Sammy is my “go-to” guy for anything security-related.

Anita Brearton-Founder/ CEO


Sammy and his team were extremely helpful as we sought to assess and improve our cybersecurity posture. His expertise and experience with complex client environments has been incredibly helpful. Sammy is also open to flexible and innovative approaches. Highly recommended!

Jory Hadsell–Vice Chancellor and Chief Technology Officer


Sammy and his team at Careful Security work closely with our IT and other business teams in close collaboration to identify risks and implement industry-standard security controls. They are experts in the field, knowledgeable, and courteous in their interactions. Recommend him for any organization looking to augment their in-house expertise with a cybersecurity MSSP.

Le Lu– CIO


Sammy is a consummate individual with a dedication to protecting data. I found him willing and able to jump into projects and work them diligently to completion. I enjoyed overseeing Sammy’s work at Warner Bros.

Edwin Covert– Cybersecurity & Risk Executive

Cybersecurity Simplified in Three Easy Steps



Identify Security Gaps



Monitor your Infrastructure



Comply with requirements