Apache Alerts on High-Risk Flaw in Struts 2 Framework

The Apache Software Foundation has recently issued a critical security advisory for its widely-used Struts 2 web application framework. This alert, focused on a newly discovered vulnerability identified as CVE-2023-50164, underscores the ongoing challenges in securing web applications in an increasingly complex cyber environment.

Unpacking the Vulnerability

CVE-2023-50164 is more than just a number; it represents a significant flaw in the Struts 2 framework, specifically in its “file upload logic.” This vulnerability enables unauthorized path traversal, a serious security concern that could allow attackers to upload and execute malicious files remotely. This kind of vulnerability is particularly concerning due to the widespread use of Struts in building enterprise-oriented web applications, leveraging its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.

Discovery and Impact

The discovery of this vulnerability is credited to Steven Seeley of Source Incite, marking a crucial contribution to the cybersecurity community. The affected versions of Struts include Struts 2.3.37 (which has reached its End of Life), Struts 2.5.0 through 2.5.32, and Struts 6.0.0 through 6.3.0.

Mitigation Steps and Patches

Apache has acted swiftly in response to this discovery, releasing patches in versions 2.5.33 and or later. These patches are essential for mitigating the risk posed by CVE-2023-50164, as there are no known workarounds. The advisory emphasizes the ease of upgrading, stating it as a “drop-in replacement” process that should be straightforward for developers.

Lessons from History: The Equifax Breach

The memory of the 2017 Equifax breach, resulting from a similar Struts vulnerability (CVE-2017-5638), looms large in the cybersecurity landscape. This historical breach, which had far-reaching consequences, was a stark reminder of the potential for exploitation of such vulnerabilities. Though there is currently no evidence of CVE-2023-50164 being used in real-world attacks, the possibility cannot be ignored.

Beyond Patching: A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity

While immediate patching is critical, a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity is necessary to safeguard against such threats. This approach includes:

  1. Regular Software Updates: Ensuring all software, not just the Struts framework, is up-to-date with the latest security patches.
  2. Employee Education: Staff awareness about cybersecurity risks and safe practices plays a crucial role in defending against attacks.
  3. Incident Response Planning: Having a robust plan to respond to cybersecurity incidents can significantly reduce the impact of any breach.


The discovery of CVE-2023-50164 in the Apache Struts 2 framework serves as a vital reminder of the ever-present cyber threats facing organizations today. By adopting a holistic approach to cybersecurity that includes prompt patching, continuous education, and preparedness, organizations can fortify their defenses against such vulnerabilities. In the digital age, vigilance and proactive measures are key to ensuring the security and integrity of our digital infrastructures.